Survey competence and integrity of the founder of the non-banking financial institutions model

Survey competence and integrity of the founder of the non-banking financial institutions model

First: the basic data
Second: the efficiency
Academic Qualifications
If you own shares in a company or financial institution
Explain in detail the existing banking facilities that you obtained in your name or in the name of any legal person in which you have an abundant interest (first degree relatives)
Mention the companies or financial institutions in which you hold a position on the board of directors, and mention the date
Third: integrity
First Question

Have you ever been convicted of dishonesty or dishonesty?
Second Question

Have you ever been sentenced to a court ruling or a judicial decision for a financial settlement within Sudan or in any other country?
Third Question

Have you ever been related to a financial or commercial institution whose license has been withdrawn from its supervisory authority?
Fourth Question

Have you ever been a director, shareholder or related to a financial or commercial institution that has declared bankruptcy or has been voluntarily or compulsory liquidation?

I acknowledge the correctness of the data that I have filled out in the framework of the form, after reviewing the laws and regulations for the work of financial institutions with the greatest possible work by establishing them, by establishing them, the Central Bank of Sudan in writing in case of any change in these data.

In the event that incorrect information is provided, whether it is discovered at the time or later, the application will be rejected and the applicant will be deprived of working in the banking system and banned from the bank with legal measures taken.

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